Thursday 27 July 2017

Taking Effective Notes

What Is Note Taking?

  • Writing down ideas from lectures and readings in our own words .
Image result for notes

Why Take Notes?

  • Helps us to pay attention in class
  • Helps us study for quiz,tests / final exam 
  • Helps us improve our memory
  • Helps us take ownership of ideas 
  • Helps us engage our senses
  • Helps us organize and process data and information
Why Review Notes?

  1. We lose 80% of what we hear if it is not reviewed within a few hours
  2. Identify any questions for peers,the next class,or ask the profesor
  3. There is not enough time to absorb all the information given in class if it's not reviewed on a regular basis
  4. Think : "If I were tested on this lecture tomorrow,would I ace it?" Make it so!

Why "recapture" notes after class ?

  • Frees you up to write in quick,shorthand during class
How Do We Take Notes?

  1. Date and label notes
  2. Give ourselves space to write
  3. Use abbreviations and symbols
  4. Use an outline to show like main ideas,supports and examples
  5. Use your own language

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How Do We Prepare For Class?

  • Do pre-reading 
  • Review syllabus
  • Preview previous notes
  • Look up key words prior to class
  • Plan on listening 80% of the time and 20% of the time
  • Write the date at the top of your paper for notes
  • Leave spaces between the lines so that your writing will be neat
While Taking Notes..

  • Be an aggressive,not a passive listener (ask questions and discuss if its permitted)
  • If not,jot questions in your notes(seek out meaning)

How Do We Review After Class?

  1. Review the notes along with the book
  2. Create our own examples
  3. Discuss and compare 
  4. Rewrite notes
  5. Practice those skills you wish to develop
  6. Ask professor for clarification

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Remember SQ4R

  • Survey - overview quickly scan
  • Question - establish a purpose
  • Read - to answer questions
  • Rite - take notes
  • Review - at the short intervals
  • Recite - answer to questions with the book closed
Image result for sq4r

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