Wednesday 12 July 2017


Time Management & Organizational Skills

Time is the most precious time to all of people. As always they said 'time is gold'. Suitable with this words,so it is important to all of us to manage our time carefully because it will affected our daily routine. Suitable with the title, student had to manage their time well so it won't disturbing their concentration to study.

'Begin with end in mind'- Steven Covey

Image result for steven covey

6 Organizational skills :
  • Self awareness
  • Make a right choice
  • Strategised
  • Work hard
  • Goals
  • Time management
What is time ?

According to Albert Einstein time is a stubborn llusion. Time also represent the duration of someone daily routine life.

In other words time management is the ability someone to fill their time with doing something that important so they will not doing some work at the eleventh hour.

Procrasnitation in other easy word is delaying work that should be done earlier than the due date. It should be done earlier than due date so it should not disturb your concentration that will leads to stress or depress feeling. As proverb say 'on time means late'. So we need to do our task as fast as we can to make sure that we are not late to send our assignment.

Advantage of being organized :
  1. Work complete earlier than due date
  2. Reduce stress
  3. Discipline ouselves

How to manage time?
In order to manage your time well,you need this 2 tools :
  • calendar
  • reminder
  1. Calendar helps you to arrange your daily routines and semester schedule. With that you will not be so hectic with your life schedule and this will not messy your life.
  2. Reminder function as your alert alarm about your activity per day. As example, you have quizzes tomorrow,you can set reminder to alert you about tomorrow task.

'Eating an elephant'
This word means that we have to eat the elephant slowly because elephant is big. In other words we have to settle our task slowly and don't do it last minute because it will be never done in time.

Image result for elephant

Job Task Analysis

Divided to two:
  • Routine
  • As soon as possible
Things that we always do everyday like shower,eating,going to class and it going to give benefit to the company,job that does not require immediate attention and expected customary duties.

As soon as possible
Things that need to finish immediately which involve with due date and time frame such as important work,developing new product information and job that require considerable time to complete.

Prioritized To-Do-List

  • High priority task

Such as going to class,quizzes,assignment,examinations
  • Medium priority task
Such as playing handball,doing revision and reading books also meet friends
  • Low priority task
Such as watching movies,going to the town and playing online games
  • Additional task
Such as buying personal need

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