Thursday 27 July 2017

Taking Effective Notes

What Is Note Taking?

  • Writing down ideas from lectures and readings in our own words .
Image result for notes

Why Take Notes?

  • Helps us to pay attention in class
  • Helps us study for quiz,tests / final exam 
  • Helps us improve our memory
  • Helps us take ownership of ideas 
  • Helps us engage our senses
  • Helps us organize and process data and information
Why Review Notes?

  1. We lose 80% of what we hear if it is not reviewed within a few hours
  2. Identify any questions for peers,the next class,or ask the profesor
  3. There is not enough time to absorb all the information given in class if it's not reviewed on a regular basis
  4. Think : "If I were tested on this lecture tomorrow,would I ace it?" Make it so!

Why "recapture" notes after class ?

  • Frees you up to write in quick,shorthand during class
How Do We Take Notes?

  1. Date and label notes
  2. Give ourselves space to write
  3. Use abbreviations and symbols
  4. Use an outline to show like main ideas,supports and examples
  5. Use your own language

Image result for tulisan cakar ayam

How Do We Prepare For Class?

  • Do pre-reading 
  • Review syllabus
  • Preview previous notes
  • Look up key words prior to class
  • Plan on listening 80% of the time and 20% of the time
  • Write the date at the top of your paper for notes
  • Leave spaces between the lines so that your writing will be neat
While Taking Notes..

  • Be an aggressive,not a passive listener (ask questions and discuss if its permitted)
  • If not,jot questions in your notes(seek out meaning)

How Do We Review After Class?

  1. Review the notes along with the book
  2. Create our own examples
  3. Discuss and compare 
  4. Rewrite notes
  5. Practice those skills you wish to develop
  6. Ask professor for clarification

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Remember SQ4R

  • Survey - overview quickly scan
  • Question - establish a purpose
  • Read - to answer questions
  • Rite - take notes
  • Review - at the short intervals
  • Recite - answer to questions with the book closed
Image result for sq4r

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Memory Learning & Concentration Improving Strategies


  • Like to evaluate things between its advantage and disadvantage,its value and its truth.

  • Our brain can keep data about 100 data per seconds
    1. Improve our brain abilities by doing exercise,take care of our eating habits
    2. As a Muslim,we can improve our brain memory by pray and prayers


    • Create interest in doing job,set goal setting strategies and use time management strategies
    • Create a condusive condition to learn something like find a better location and minimize distractions
    • Match your learning style with the task given 
    • Monitor your concentration,don't distract with other things

    1. Lack of attention
    2. Lack of interest
    3. Lack of motivation
    4. Distraction from others
    5. Uncomfortable environments
    6. Physiological matters
    7. Psychological matters
    Image result for lost concentration

    Why always forget?
    • Distraction
    • Lost focus
    • Time factor

    How to remember?
    • Passion 
    • Choices
    • Repeated
    • Revision

    Image result for remember or forget


    • Read and go through some chapter to get the view of the chapter
    • Build a question while reading so the brain will think of the answer
    • Reading and look answers for the question that has been build
    • Keep repeating revision on last chapter so you will remember
    • Make some review about the last chapter and answer questions

    Wednesday 12 July 2017


    Time Management & Organizational Skills

    Time is the most precious time to all of people. As always they said 'time is gold'. Suitable with this words,so it is important to all of us to manage our time carefully because it will affected our daily routine. Suitable with the title, student had to manage their time well so it won't disturbing their concentration to study.

    'Begin with end in mind'- Steven Covey

    Image result for steven covey

    6 Organizational skills :
    • Self awareness
    • Make a right choice
    • Strategised
    • Work hard
    • Goals
    • Time management
    What is time ?

    According to Albert Einstein time is a stubborn llusion. Time also represent the duration of someone daily routine life.

    In other words time management is the ability someone to fill their time with doing something that important so they will not doing some work at the eleventh hour.

    Procrasnitation in other easy word is delaying work that should be done earlier than the due date. It should be done earlier than due date so it should not disturb your concentration that will leads to stress or depress feeling. As proverb say 'on time means late'. So we need to do our task as fast as we can to make sure that we are not late to send our assignment.

    Advantage of being organized :
    1. Work complete earlier than due date
    2. Reduce stress
    3. Discipline ouselves

    How to manage time?
    In order to manage your time well,you need this 2 tools :
    • calendar
    • reminder
    1. Calendar helps you to arrange your daily routines and semester schedule. With that you will not be so hectic with your life schedule and this will not messy your life.
    2. Reminder function as your alert alarm about your activity per day. As example, you have quizzes tomorrow,you can set reminder to alert you about tomorrow task.

    'Eating an elephant'
    This word means that we have to eat the elephant slowly because elephant is big. In other words we have to settle our task slowly and don't do it last minute because it will be never done in time.

    Image result for elephant

    Job Task Analysis

    Divided to two:
    • Routine
    • As soon as possible
    Things that we always do everyday like shower,eating,going to class and it going to give benefit to the company,job that does not require immediate attention and expected customary duties.

    As soon as possible
    Things that need to finish immediately which involve with due date and time frame such as important work,developing new product information and job that require considerable time to complete.

    Prioritized To-Do-List

    • High priority task

    Such as going to class,quizzes,assignment,examinations
    • Medium priority task
    Such as playing handball,doing revision and reading books also meet friends
    • Low priority task
    Such as watching movies,going to the town and playing online games
    • Additional task
    Such as buying personal need

    Friday 7 July 2017

    Library and Campus Resource - Notes on Library Tour

    Type of Resources
    As a student we need to make references to finish our assignment,so this is type of resources that I discover in the UiTM Jengka :

    Academic Resources
    Academic resources help us as a student to complete our assignment without
    delaying the work. It is much easier for us to do well in academics and
    avoid us from being stress. Some of the examples is 
    Al-Bukhari Library where students can find 
    information to complete task and such
    a good facility in this library like 

    Image result for library

    Housing, Dining and Transportation Resources
    Student in semester 1 or part 1 are given place to stay in the campus. As for a male student 
    they are place in Tun Fatimah College while the female are place in new building,Tok Gajah
    College. As for the dining places there are two in this campus. First is dining hall of Tun Fatimah College and second is food court in Tok Gajah College. For the transportation UiTM Jengka have a bus and vans which is operating from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m.

    Image result for uitm bus

    Student Organization Resources
    Student had to divide their time between studying and doing outside activities. So they have to pick their extra - curricular organization to fill their leisure time. The purpose of this organization is to give student self confidence after graduating from this university. Usually extra curricular activities is held at the field and Sri Gading Campsite.

    10 Things MUST KNOW about Al-Bukhari Library
    1. OPERATING TIME. This library open from 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. every monday until friday. As in Saturday this library working time is from 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. and closed in sunday.
    2. BOOK LOANS. Diploma students can borrow any book but not more than 20 books and the due date is 14 days.
    3. STEPS ON BORROWING BOOKS. First things to do in borrowing book is go to the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). Then, students can find their book at the shelves according to their serial number. Next, go to the counter and give your matrix card to be scan by library staff to complete the steps.
    4. PUNISHMENT. If student return the book late, they will be fine 20 cents per day per book.
    5. BOOK LOST. Students need to report for the missing book at the library counter and the staff will give you 14 days to find the same book.
    6. LOANS BETWEEN LIBRARIES (PAP). This will allows you to borrow the book you want from other UiTM library if the book does not have in your UiTM, but first you need to fill in the registration form.
    7. USE OF IT ROOM. Student have to fill the register book to use the PC and cannot more than an hour. It is illegal for student to download any software and take any part of the computer.
    8. ZONE IN THE LIBRARY. Relax,Quiet and Silent zone. If the students want to make a discussion so the relax zone is a suitable place for them. But if a student want to memorize something so the quiet and silent zone is more suitable.
    9. i-BOOK KKM. Allow students to borow from trusted website.
    10. IMPORTANT URL. To gain more information,student can visit library Facebook page,the website and blog.
    Here are some tips on how to read books properly. Firstly look at the table content. Next read the index of the book and then lastly read the summary of the book.

    Image result for hogwarts book

    • Most commonly used to cite sources within social sciences
    • Was organised in 1929 when a group of smart people such as psychologists,antrophologists and business managers convened and sought to establish a simple set of procedures,style rules, that would codify the many components of scientific writing to increase the ease of reading comprehesion
    • Found in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

    Sunday 2 July 2017

    Goal Statement


    STEP 1: TENTATIVE GOAL STATEMENT : Be a good son and achieve my dreams well.

    1. I often disobey my parents
    2. I feel lazy to study
    3. Sometimes my head miserable
    4. Sometimes lost concentration and focus in the class
    5. Always do job last minute

    1. I will pay more attention in the class
    2. I will obey my parents instruction
    3. I will do job early before the due date
    4. I will always dare myself to move forward

    1. No matter how thorny the road is,keep on running
    2. Winners never quit,quitters never win
    3. If plan A didn't work,don't worry you have 25 more alphabets

    STEP 5: REVISED GOAL STATEMENT : Try bit harder to achieve my dreams and be a good son so my parents will be proud of me

    learning style inventory

    My learning style inventory is auditory.

    Auditory learner is usually learn by listening sounds. An auditory learner always depends on hearing the information through sounds that can make them ingest the information quickier than seeing on the board. They also have to keep repeating the sounds in order to sort through information to make their understand.

    Image result for auditory learner

    GENERAL INFORMATION Hey what's up guys!? Welcome to my ePortfolio, My name is Muhammad Aliff Aiman but all of you can call me Lipma...